
Compagnia Luisa Cortesi / CAB008

September 14, 2013 18:00

Festival Benevento Città Spettacolo | IT

@Palazzo Paolo v_Benevento
within Benedanza


The dancer’s body in this case represents the body of the work. It is not the spectator who approaches the work, it is the dancer who, approaching the eyes of the onlooker, exhibits herself and surrenders to the revelation of the detail.

The emphasis is on relations between anatomy and painting, thereafter between anatomy and dance. Thus the change in perception is established in the relationship between distance and vicinity.


concept: Luisa Cortesi, Massimo Barzagli
choreography and performance: Luisa Cortesi
realisation: Eva Sgrò
light design: Marco Santambrogio
production: Compagnia Luisa Cortesi / CAB 008
within the European project Focus on Art and Science in the Performing Arts
promoted by Fabbrica Europa, Pontedera Teatro, Comune di Prato

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