May 27, 2015 10:00
Le Murate Progetti Arte Contemporanea | IT
the relation between arts education, work, research, creative process: the legitimacy of the professional role of the artist
Wed, May 27 | 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. > Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea _ Florence
Thu, May 28 | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. > Il Vivaio del Malcantone _ via del Malcantone 15_ Florence
Il Mestiere dell’Arte is an opportunity for exchange and discussion that comes as part of the project Routes to Employment. Arts and Culture as an Enabler for Growth (R2E), an Erasmus+ strategic partnership realised by Centro di Creazione e Cultura of Florence in collaboration with the ROOTS & ROUTES international network.
The meeting aims at giving space to a reflection on the processes and the prospects of creative training as part of a social and cultural condition which requires a continuous review of the pedagogical tools and educational structures, as well as of the positioning of the artist – both in training and already professional – within the world of work.
The first day at Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea is organized in the form of a seminar with experts of the relation between arts, education and entrepreneurship. It will be led by Pietro Gaglianò and opened by the Deputy Mayor of the City of Florence Cristina Giachi. In the afternoon, three focus groups moderated by Marina Bistolfi, Caterina Poggesi and Cesare Torricelli will go more in depth into specific issues connected to the general theme. The seminar will be attended by representatives of the major public and private institutions for creative education of the Florentine area, together with artists and cultural workers who testify to the continuity between education, self-employment and the structuring of new professionals:
Valentina Gensini, artistic director of Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea
Fabio Cavallucci, director of Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato
Eugenio Cecioni, director of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence
Daria Filardo, curator and teacher at the Master in Fine Art – SACI Firenze
Teresa Megale, associate professor in Theatre History and Delegate of the Rector for the theatrical activities of the University of Florence
Valerio Rocco Orlando, artist
Paolo Pieri-Nerli, architect, curator and teacher at Palazzo Spinelli per l’Arte e il Restauro
Luca Ricci, artistic director Kilowatt Festival, Sansepolcro, and Dominio Pubblico, Rome
Maurizia Settembri, artistic director Fabbrica Europa
Giulio Stumpo, economist and CEO of SMartIt.
Starting by re-centering the object of teaching in arts, reflections will be opened on the specific role of educational institutions, on their projection in the scenarios of work locally and internationally, on the complex and often conflicting balance between experimentation and acquisition of skills, between independence and market integration.
The second day at Il Vivaio del Malcantone takes place in the form of a workshop for a smaller group of up to 20 participants in an interpersonal dimension, with activities and discussions introduced by the testimony of three projects born in the territory: Lei disse sì, Multiverso, Il Vivaio del Malcantone. Facilitators: Pietro Gaglianò and Caterina Poggesi.
The main objective is the identification of criticalities, resources and needs of arts professionals, to be integrated in a common document. Rather than at provoking reflections, the format of activities and the choice of invitees aim at finding the conditions to initiate processes of true confrontation, exchange and sharing of experiences and projects. Also artists and cultural workers present the previous day will be invited to participate, in order to create, starting from the varied composition of the group, the diversity that is essential for a constructive discussion.
Routes to Employment. Arts and Culture as an enabler for growth (R2E) is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership aimed at increasing the employability and life skills of young artists and creative workers, by accompanying them in the critical passage from education to profession.
The biennial project ( falls within the broad horizon of the international ROOTS & ROUTES network, of which Centro di Creazione e Cultura (formerly Associazione Fabbrica Europa) is the referent for Italy. Since 10 years many projects have been designed and carried out, aimed at promoting the developing of young artists and creative workers and at encouraging cultural exchanges and mobility Europe-wide.
By combining the open, flexible and holistic approach of the ROOTS & ROUTES creative education methodologies, with the training and advising system for the professionalisation of young artists and cultural workers developed by SMart (Société Mutuelle des Artistes, an important project of social innovation in the creative economy), R2E wants to develop a transnational curriculum, available on line, for a theoretical and practical education to entrepreneurship in a non-formal setting.
In all partner countries (The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, UK, Spain, Italy and France), pilot training processes will be activated for young artists on the way of becoming professionals.
In Italy the modules of the transnational curriculum, drafted also thanks to the reflections and the needs detected during the seminar Il Mestiere dell’Arte, will be tested in a workshop taking place from September 5th to 14th at Il Vivaio del Malcantone: 15 young artists will be involved in an intensive educational pathway based on a horizontal, peer to peer approach. Next to the necessary entrepreneurial skills, a particular focus will be set on facilitating a social, economic, political and pedagogical understanding of contemporary assets; on intercultural and cross-disciplinary sensitivity; on arousing awareness of the artists’ role in terms of responsibility and professional ethics.