Pagan symbols in a fifteenth century alchemy manuscript

Mino Gabriele

May 21, 2010 17:00

Institut français Florence | IT

A meeting that addresses methodological and interpretative issues on alchemical symbolism transmitted by an exceptional Renaissance code.


Mino Gabriele, professor of Iconology at the University of Udine, has been dealing with many years of art-alchemy. In 1986 he held the Biennale of Venice dedicated to Alchemy.
Among his publications: The Garden of Hermes (1986), Alchemy. The tradition in the West according to manuscript and printing sources (1986), Alchemical-metallurgical engravings by Domenico Beccafumi (1988), Biblical iconology issues (in The Bible printed by Gutenberg in Bodoni, 1991), The Myth of the Argonauts and the Trojan War in a late medieval fresco (in “Critics of Art”, 5-1996), Alchemy and Iconology (1997 ). He also edited the edition of unpublished alchemy texts, including De la trasmutatione metallica. 16th Century Poem by A. Allegretti and Le Précieux Don de Dieu.


meeting within the framework of the project
Focus on Art and Science in the Performing Arts
with the support of the European Commission’s Culture Program




















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