Fabbrica Europa

Daniel Kok + Luke GeorgeStill Lives: Florence
Daniel Kok + Luke George
Still Lives: Florence

Call for performers


Workshops and Masterclasses | September – November 2023

Workshop on territoryby CollettivO.SCENA
Workshop on territory
by CollettivO.SCENA

October 14 – November 12, 2023

Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls
Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls

September 22 – November 26, 2023

Fondo Creatività Emergente
Fondo Creatività Emergente

First edition

Fabbrica Europa at #meetyou 2023 Valladolid
Fabbrica Europa at #meetyou 2023 Valladolid


Festival Fabbrica Europa
Festival Fabbrica Europa

30th edition
September 8 – October 12, 2023

Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls
Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls

body | sound | environment | community
October 25 – December 11, 2022

Dei suoni i passi 2023
Dei suoni i passi 2023

July 23 – September 13, 2023

Festival au Désert 2023
Festival au Désert 2023

June 28-29-30, 2023
Piazzale delle Cascine | PARC

Olimpia Fortuni | Katatonic SilentioX
Olimpia Fortuni | Katatonic Silentio

Sound, movement, natural and artificial architectures are the tools of this complex compositional study: a gift X (for) those who participate and X (for) those who host. The synthesis is made for the public, X is a symbol whose two lines that cross are the bridge to enter into communication with the Other. Sound and […]

Timoteo Carbone | Roberto Doveri | Emma ZaniSuoni in uno Spazio Abbandonato III
Timoteo Carbone | Roberto Doveri | Emma Zani
Suoni in uno Spazio Abbandonato III

Suoni in uno Spazio Abbandonato III (Sounds in an Abandoned Space III) by the young composer Timoteo Carbone is the final phase of the Suoni in uno Spazio Abbandonato series. The project, that started in 2017 in Rotterdam, focuses on the compositional use of non-finished structures and has grown thanks to the collaboration with artists […]

Lorenzo di Rocco | Jennifer Lavinia RosatiEntanglement_Studio 2
Lorenzo di Rocco | Jennifer Lavinia Rosati
Entanglement_Studio 2

Two microscopic particles, initially interacting, can be linked together even if placed at a great distance from each other, as if they were joined by an inexplicable connection. We talk about physics, about the mysterious phenomenon of entanglement. But can people also be defined as an interwining of interactions, of invisible and sometimes incomprehensible forces? Entanglement_Studio2 by […]

Irene Russolillo | Luca Brinchi | Karima DueGIf there is no Sun
Irene Russolillo | Luca Brinchi | Karima DueG
If there is no Sun

If there is no sun is a creation that comes from the collaboration between the choreographer Irene Russolillo, the video artist Luca Brinchi and the Italian-Liberian musician and performer Karima DueG together with the dancers Antoine Danfa, Mapate Sakho (Senegal) and Ilyes Triki (Tunisia). This project was born in 2020 as part of CRISOL – […]

Cristina Donà | Daniele Ninarello | Saverio LanzaL’universo nella testa
Cristina Donà | Daniele Ninarello | Saverio Lanza
L’universo nella testa

We are lumps of atoms that are momentarily organized to be here but that will then return to do what they have always done, to be an integral part, albeit infinitesimal, of the Universe.Maybe there’s someone out there you like more than anyone else. Perhaps a proton of your skin stood next to a proton […]

Alessandro SciarroniPLAY
Alessandro Sciarroni

From an ancient game to a contemporary performative practice In PLAY, a creation produced by Fabbrica Europa, which originates from the ancient game of the Pallone al bracciale, the Italian artist Alessandro Sciarroni revisits in a contemporary way, through a performance/live video installation, the concepts of time and duration, bringing the performers to measure themselves […]