SHIFT is a groundbreaking project funded by the Culture strand of the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission. The project, led by Cie Omar Rajeh & Maqamat (France) with the partners Fabbrica Europa and Albania Dance Meeting (Albania), aims to transform the way dance is experienced and presented.
The project seeks to explore new formats of artistic expression, community engagement, and audience interaction, involving artists, experts, and citizens from multiple EU and Mediterranean countries.
SHIFT aims to uncover the essential conditions for transitioning from the ‘visual’ to the ‘active’, illuminating the requirements for engaged creations, innovative relationships, and unconventional audience experiences
The Big Dance Lab – Tirana · Jan 2025 | On-site explorations – Florence · Oct 2024
Oltre le mura / Beyond the wall is a project by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa for Autunno Fiorentino which in 2024, for its third edition, proposes activities focused on the concepts of community, memories, visions, dramaturgies.
The program includes three actions consisting of workshops and performances, led by three different artists: Gemma Hansson Carbone, Sara Sicuro, Michele Santeramo… More
For the 9th edition of Secret Florence, Fabbrica Europa presents thefutureisNOW? by Silvia Calderoni and Ilenia Caleo, a performance that takes its cue from Zen for Head (1962) by Nam June Paik.
The reenactment of the performative action of the famous Korean video artist becomes a ritual ceremony, a gesture interpreted by Calderoni and Caleo in the form of living writing, made of liquids, bioluminescence, bodies-bacteria, biowritings, traces that sometimes – as it happens with polluting, toxic and corrosive substances – are destined to remain for a long time... More
A new edition of DEI SUONI I PASSI, a project that was born in 2018, focused on the relationship between music and the environment and aims to tell, discover and connect the territories from Florence up to the Tuscan Apennines, passing through the Via degli Dei.
The Fondazione Fabbrica Europa project has grown over the years thanks to a constant and real relationship with the institutions active in the municipalities involved – from Firenzuola passing through Barberino di Mugello, Scarperia e San Piero a Sieve, Fiesole – also thanks to the success that the now well-known path that unites Bologna and Florence has had over time… More
Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls is a project by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le arti contemporanee for Autunno Fiorentino 2023 that proposes performative activities, installations and workshops focused on the themes of community, body, movement and virtual reality, created by international and local artists with the aim of encouraging cultural participation in decentralized areas of Florence. The programme includes a series of actions that intend to promote access to contemporary artistic practices and create real and virtual spaces of interaction and connection between artists and communities… More
FONDO is a network dedicated to the productive development of emerging artists, with the goal of supporting the research phases of performative projects that, by their nature, require long creation times.
The one-year program provides financial support aimed at the research and production of a creative project, as well as the participation of artists and companies in residencies hosted by the partners, and masterclasses or workshops led by international creators.
2024 – 2025 edition | 2023 – 2024 edition | 2022 – 2023 edition
MAPPE DEL NUOVO MONDO (Maps of the New World) is a platform focusing on the new performing arts scene which shows creative processes and outcomes of young artists and international protagonists who work with body languages, music, sound, new technologies and interaction with the public, experimenting new practices and site-specific formats… More
The CRISOL – creative processes project, promoted by a network of Italian and international partners, aims to create opportunities for artists to cooperate through sharing ideas and practices, as well as work techniques and acquired knowledge, with the common goal to create a collective conscience and a multi-faceted identity. In the next two years the project will revolve around the topic of space and our relationship to it… More
Dei suoni i passi is a project that is focused on the relationship between music and the environment and aims to tell, discover and connect the territories from Florence up to the Tuscan Apennines, passing through the Via degli Dei, a hiking trail that connects the cities of Bologna and Florence.
The 2023 edition has designed an itinerary, developed in six stages between July and September, from Firenzuola to Florence, passing through Barberino di Mugello, Scarperia and San Piero and Fiesole… More
The Festival au Désert Firenze was born in 2010 from the collaboration between the Festival au Désert of Mali and the Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, and works to host the great names of world music and make known the best of current music, in particular from Sahel, North Africa, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, in an open dialogue with the ambassadors of international artistic “nomadism”.
15th edition 2024 | 14th edition 2023 | 13th edition 2022 | 12th edition 2021 | 11th edition 2020 | 10th edition 2019 | 9th edition 2018 | 8th edition 2017 | 7th edition 2016 | 6th edition 2015 | 5th edition 2014 | 4th edition 2013 | 3rd edition 2012 | 2nd edition 2011 | 1st edition 2010
Orizzonti Verticali – Arti sceniche in cantiere is a performing arts project which takes place annually in San Gimignano; an event where the languages of the contemporary scene come into connection with the medieval architecture of the Tuscan village. At the centre of the event, dance, theatre, music, video, literature and visual arts.
12th edition | 11th edition 2023 | 10th edition 2022 | 9th edition 2021 | 8th edition 2020 | 7th edition 2019 | 6th edition 2018 | 5th edition 2017 | 4th edition 2016
For the eighth edition of the Secret Florence 2023 project promoted by the Municipality of Florence, Fabbrica Europa proposes STILL LIVES: FLORENCE, a performance/installation by artists Daniel Kok (Singapore) and Luke George (Melbourne). For this site specific work they have singled out the Rape of the Sabines, 16th century masterpiece by Giambologna, to replicate as a human sculpture featuring three people who identify as queer. Starting from the gender politics embedded in the Giambologna sculpture, the performance offers a reflection on today’s gender policies… More
Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls is a project by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, that is part of Autunno Fiorentino 2022, aimed at activating some of the Florence peripheral contexts through performative actions at an international and local level that focus on the concepts of “body”, “sound”, “environment”,“community ”. The project takes place from October 25 to December 11 and involves artists from Italy, France, Norway, Japan, U.S., Russia, Ukraine… More
The international cooperation project Juntarte. La cadena creativa que hace la escena inclusiva developed within the 2022 Fabbrica Europa Festival, aiming to pursue the project started in Cuba in 2021 and to become an hypothesis for the future. Ten dancers and choreographers of the contemporary Cuban scene have been invited to cross and live the florentine Festival, in order to share visions and poetic strategies, to build an environment of dialogue with the local artistic community and finally, to broader to the audience’s look the processes and the current transformations of a new scene… More
From Florence to the Tuscan Apennines via the Via degli Dei.
Dei suoni i passi is a project that combines music and the environment that was born in 2018 to connect territories through heterogeneous and quality musical proposals that create an unusual itinerary and let the flavor of landscapes emerge to be experienced at a different speed. The 2022 edition followed took place with concerts and encounters in Florence, Fiesole, Scarperia e San Piero a Sieve, Barberino di Mugello and Firenzuola… More
Fabbrica Europa collaborated in the 2022 program, entirely dedicated to sound, of the Collinarea Festival, which took place in July in Santa Luce (Pisa) and Lari (Pisa), with solo concerts by Pasquale Mirra, Vincenzo Vasi, Giovanni Sollima and Michel Godard… More
Fabbrica Europa / PARC Performing Arts Research Centre, in collaboration with Nuovo Balletto di Toscana and Compagnia Simona Bucci/degli Istanti, organized between June and July 2022 a cycle of contemporary dance and Butoh workshops with international choreographers – Yumiko Yoshioka (Japan/Germany), Fabian Thomé (France), Lise Vachon (Canada/Belgium), Philippe Kratz (Germany/Italy) – with the aim of developing training processes and creating opportunities of meeting and exchange of practices addressed to performers and professional and non-professional dancers… More
For the seventh edition of Secret Florence Fabbrica Europa has proposed a special project, PLAY, a production by Alessandro Sciarroni – presented at the Sferisterio delle Cascine in Florence – which originates from the ancient game of the Pallone al bracciale. The Italian artist, Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the Venice Biennale Danza, has revisited in a contemporary way the concepts of time and duration, bringing the performers to measure themselves with dedication, endurance, energy… More
PALCOSCENICO VIRTUALE. Contemporary Dance Digital Lab is an intensive training course that has involved of 22 professionals from the performing arts field who, through workshops, lectures and work sessions with Italian and international experts from the performing arts and digital technologies sector, had the opportunity to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge aimed at strengthening their artistic and (self)entrepreneurial skills… More
JUNTARTE. La cadena creativa que hace la escena inclusiva is an international cooperation project, coordinated by COSPE and of which Fabbrica Europa is a partner, which aims to strengthen the creative and productive skills of Cuban cultural operators and artists and to support the process of changing the perception of both the productive and economic value and the social and political function of the artistic sector, with particular attention to the issues of diversity and inclusion… More
The CRISOL – creative processes project, promoted by 7 Italian organizations and 14 international partners, has been designed with the idea of rethinking the approach to contemporary performing arts, and particularly dance, by creating opportunities for meeting and shared creation between Italian and foreign artists, by promoting the exchange of practices, the meeting of different knowledge, disciplines, techniques and ways of working, and by offering, through co-creation processes, instruments capable of creating collective and intercultural identity awareness… More
For the seventh edition of Secret Florence Fabbrica Europa has proposed a special project, PLAY, a production by Alessandro Sciarroni – presented at the Sferisterio delle Cascine in Florence – which originates from the ancient game of the Pallone al bracciale. The Italian artist, Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the Venice Biennale Danza, has revisited in a contemporary way the concepts of time and duration, bringing the performers to measure themselves with dedication, endurance, energy… More
Dance4Gardens is a dance and music project that involves young artists in the creation of original performances, conceived to be presented in unusual scenarios of some historic villas and in other significant spaces of the metropolitan area of Florence.
The central theme of the project is memory, explored from a personal, historical and collective point of view through site-specific performances that inhabit the various spaces, enhancing their nature and architectural features… More
Slittamenti is a Masterclass conceived and conducted by Cristina Caprioli, Italian choreographer and Sweden residing scholar, with the curatorial participation of Pietro Gaglianò, art critic and expert in body politics.
Eight selected performers and four choreographers work on four solos which are shared and discussed and subsequently guided along a series of alterations (condition, material, discursiveness, language, technique etc.). Also four artists and/or theorists from areas other than dance (visual arts, architecture, writing, music, etc.) take part in some masterclass sessions to discuss different and dissonant interpretations of the concepts of body and space, of movement, of artistic creation… More
Il Corso della Musica (The Music Course) is not a music course, but the opportunity to look out over the endless and wonderful mare magnum that music represents, thanks to points of orientation outlined by musicians, curators and experts. With the ambitious desire to offer an overview of current music – from electronic to contemporary, from jazz to independent alternative music – regardless of the boundaries between genres and with an informal approach designed for curious listeners, experts and young people.
The project was born with the aim of bringing together, in one of the most fascinating scenarios of Florence (the bank of the Arno river in the Parco delle Cascine area), a pianist, a cellist, a musicologist, starting from their music, to work towards an approach to heterogeneous sound universes from new and changing perspectives… More
Secret Florence 2020 Cascine Edition is a special edition that includes a path of open air artistic performances, curated by Fabbrica Europa, Musicus Concentus, Tempo Reale, Centro nazionale di produzione per la danza Virgilio Sieni, and the creation of a video documentary produced by Lo schermo dell’arte in collaboration with Istituto Marangoni, Florence.
These Florentine organizations have chosen a symbolic place of sociability, the Cascine Park, to populate it with contemporary dance and music.
Within the project Fabbrica Europa has curated three different performances… More
Dance4Gardens is a dance and music project by Compagnia Simona Bucci and Fondazione Fabbrica Europa that involves young international artists in the creation of original performances, conceived to be presented in unusual scenarios of some historic villas and in other significant spaces of the metropolitan area of Florence.
The central theme of this second edition of the project is memory, explored from a personal, historical and collective point of view through site-specific performances that inhabit the various spaces, enhancing their nature and architectural features… More
Secret Florence’s core mission is to enhance the attractiveness of the city of Florence from June 10 to 15, 2019.
This is achieved through an innovational and high quality artistic proposal intended for an international audience interested in unveiling the connections between contemporary artistic languages and the extraordinary historical heritage of the city.
For this edition Fabbrica Europa presents two projects focused on the encounter between Italian and Indian art and creativity… More
Six workshops, from May 7 to July 15, 2019, that aim to develop moments of meeting and exchange of creative practices thanks to a rich proposal of young choreographers and international masters, offering participants an important training opportunity and at the same time the opportunity to attend some unique shows.… More
Usually, when one hears of Chinese performing arts, the mind goes to the same set of images: the iconic movements of Peking opera, the physical bravura of acrobats and contortionists, the colossal group choreographies. Postcards from an exotic China, far away in time and space, difficult to reconcile with our (European) idea of “contemporary”. Suggestive snapshots that tickle the imagination while inferring a substantial, irreconcilable difference between “them” and “us”.
Beyond this two-dimensional portrait that the media constantly reproduce, there are not one, but several Chinas. Chinese contemporary dance well reflects this multiplicity: a mutable reality where tradition and experimentation coexist, and interact in complex ways… More
Sedimenti is one of the sections of the “Petrolio, uomo e natura nell’epoca dell’Antropocene” project aimed at creating an international production with choreographers/dancers from different Mediterranean countries, which will debut in June as part of the Matera 2019 – European Capital of Culture programme.
Mediterranean Choreographic Research residency – March 24-31, 2019 – Florence
Who cares? Ecologia del dialogo choreographic creation – June 22-23, 2019 – Matera
Who cares? Ecologia del dialogo – September 6, 2019 – Bologna
Crossing the sea is a project for the internationalization of the performing arts aimed at creating and consolidating long-term collaborations between Italy, the Middle East and Asia. The project is implemented with the support of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities within the Boarding Pass Plus call… More
Dance4Gardens, curated by Compagnia Simona Bucci and Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, is a project of original dance and music performances, inspired by designed for six different locations (parks, gardens and historical courtyards) of the metropolitan city of Florence that took place in July 2018… More
Dei Suoni i Passi is a project that offers the opportunity to cross the Apennines on foot, walking along the legendary Via degli Dei (the historic route that connects Bologna to Florence) and listening to excellent music. A seven-day walk with musical moments and concerts by well-known Italian and international musicians and sound researchers who will restore the essence of the acoustics of churches, ruins or streams… More
In the second year of programming, Focus Young Mediterranean and Middle East Choreographers 2018, a project supported by La Francia in Scena, the artistic season of the Institut français Italy / Embassy of France in Italy, widens its geographical dimension and its artistic mobility and intercultural dialogue action including artists from complex backgrounds such as Syria and Iran… More
For the third edition of Secret Florence, 2018 Estate Fiorentina’s strategic project supported by the Municipality of Florence and Pitti Immagine, Fabbrica Europa proposes a performative action by one of the most important artists on the international scene, Benoît Lachambre, who with this work seeks to further deconstruct the notion of the choreographic impulse as well as the definition of performer/spectator roles… More
Platform A35 developed in the new space of Fabbrica Europa, PARC ex Scuderie Granducali in Florence, an unconventional place.
The project is based on the idea of presenting young choreographers, Italian and not only, whose research shows new creative processes, but also the changing society that is necessarily reflected in them…. More
The Focus Young Arab Choreographers project has been designed with the goal of facilitating mobility, intercultural dialogue and exchange of performative practices among Arab artists and Italian organizations, creating opportunities of meeting, work sessions and presentations of performances.
Between May and October 2017 – within the various artistic projects, festivals, showcases, residencies of the eleven organizations belonging to the network – the Focus presented six young choreographers coming from Palestine, Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt… More
AZALAB – migrant and urban music and cultures, a project winner of the Call “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, is a workshop open on the Metropolitan City of Florence that aims to activate, through work sessions with professionals, under 35, immigrants and young people of second and third generation, an overview of urban and migrant cultures by means of a network of artistic residencies spread across peripheral neighborhoods… More
Secret Florence’s core mission is to enhance the attractiveness of the city of Florence during the opening week of Pitti Immagine Uomo. This is achieved through an innovative and high quality artistic proposal intended for a young, international audience interested in unveiling the connections between contemporary artistic languages and the extraordinary historical heritage of the city. For this edition Fabbrica Europa presented two site specific performances of Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts in Bangalore, a major centre for contemporary dance in India.… More
AROUND_35 is a project that aims to show choreographic research methods of Italian and international young artists through workshops and open presentations.
The training will be developed by means of artistic duos so as to provide multiple approaches and study materials that enable a relationship between the participants and the creative processes of choreographers.Some of the workshops are designed for young professional dancers, others for teenagers and children… More
(In)Generazione is a project organized by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, which aims to promote new creations by young artists or groups under 35, resident or active in Tuscany, working with the languages of dance and the performing arts. Through a call for proposals 7 projects were selected and presented in short form in two evenings at Teatro dei Leggieri in San Gimignano (Siena) on 28 and 29 January, 2017… More
N.O.W. New Open Working process for the performing arts is a project conceived by a group of skilled cultural professionals from eight European countries working in the field of the performing arts who have decided to federate their forces with the aim to set up a trans-national laboratory platform to explore new ways of supporting artists and their processes… More
Secret Florence is a project promoted by the Municipality of Florence with the support of Pitti Immagine aiming at unveiling the connections between contemporary artistic languages and the extraordinary historical heritage of Florence. For Secret Florence Fabbrica Europa presented a labyrinth of site-specific performing events – dance, theatre, music, visual arts – that will appear unexpectedly in evocative places of Florence… More
Firenze Open Art Project proposes a meeting between dancers, choreographers, visual artists, video makers, musicians, as a first step for the creation of a site where creativity, research and innovation can become the key elements to build a civil fabric inserted in a new concept of art and addressing “new audiences”… More
Sharing Training / Fabbrica Europa is a project promoted by Attivisti della danza – an open group of independent dancers and choreographers, aiming to create moments of theoretical and practical deepening and sharing with some of the artists and choreographers who took part in 2015 edition of the Festival Fabbrica Europa… More
Main objective of the project NOSTOI – History of returns and exodus is to improve the dialogue and the exchange between citizens of the Mediterranean Basin by revisiting through the contemporary creation the several stories of exodus and returns (NOSTOI) across the Mare Nostrum.
The project
Artistic workshop – Florence 2013
Artistic workshop – Tunis 2013
Workshop – Populonia 2015
Workshop – Carthage 2015
NID Platform – New Italian Dance Platform is an initiative to promote the Italian choreographic creation by presenting the most significant dance production and by fostering a confrontation between Italian and international operators.
The project RIC.CI Reconstruction Italian Contemporary Choreography Anni ’80-’90, conceived and directed by Marinella Guatterini, aims to emphasize and to (re)set in motion the memory of Italian contemporary dance since the early eighties until the beginning of the nineties, remembering a chapter of our artistic past almost forgotten, but full of a surprisingly original creativity, often hovering on the boundary between dance, theatre, visual arts, poetry and literature
Mario Martone TANGO GLACIALE RELOADED 1982/2018
Julie Ann Anzilotti ERODIADE – FAME DI VENTO 1993/2017
Silvana Barbarini UCCIDIAMO IL CHIARO DI LUNA 1997/ 2015
Michele Di Stefano E-INK 1999/2014
Valeria Magli PUPILLA 1983/2014
Abbondanza Bertoni TERRAMARA 1991/2013
Fabrizio Monteverde LA BOULE DE NEIGE 1985/2013
CALORE 1982/2012
Alessandro Certini / Virgilio Sieni DUETTO 1989/2011
The project Steps Ahead – Professionalization of Junior Coaches in Performing Arts and Media is aimed at young artists who wish to develop skills and gain methods to update and upgrade their work ability, by encouraging self-employment paths in the field of education and artistic and cultural production.
Florence Summer Academy – September 2013
Florence Intensive Academy – March 2014
Further Training Italy – May 2014
Steps Ahead. Testing zone – July 2014
R&R Factory – September 2014
In November 2012 the project U-CARE – Urban Culture Against Racism in Europe started, where 11 organisations in 8 countries join forces and pool their knowledge to combine an anti-racist/anti-discrimination peer coaching approach with urban culture and media.
International Exchange Seminar
National seminar in Italy
R&R Factory – September 2014
Azalai is an innovative and itinerant laboratory for cultural experimentation. A moving platform that aims at creating a map of the present time connecting our continent with the ‘worlds of culture’ that populate it, with the new identities that are reflected in it, with the process of encounter and exchange that draw its territories and margins. Like on a travelling platform, the artists will work on the creation of ‘open’ productions and on the development of shared modalities of expression.
July 2012 Festival au Désert/presenze d’Africa, Florence (Italy)
August 2012 Sziget Festival, Budapest (Hungary)
May 2013 Wazemmes l’Accordéon, Lille (France)
July 2013 Amsterdam Roots Festival, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
July 2013 Festival au Désert, Florence (Italy)
July 2013 Exit Festival, Novi Sad (Serbia)
July 2013 Sfinks Festival, Boechout (Belgium)
August 2013 Sziget Festival, Budapest (Hungary)
November 2013 Festival Taragalte, M’hamid el Ghizlane (Morocco)
Website Azalai – Laboratoire nomade
Roots&Routes is an international network for the promotion of cultural and social diversity in contemporary arts and media. Since 2001 R&R organises workshops, masterclasses, performances, events, exchanges and mobility programmes for young dance, music and media talents in more than 10 European countries… More
The project, supported by EU programme Culture 2000, aimed at defining possible intercultural models to seek out a common European identity through the study and representation of primary forms of communication, and by investigating the different expressions of non-verbal paralanguage which reflect the multiple picture of contemporary Europe… More